Beware of SCAM mail in name of "I am a banker with HDFC BANK here in India"

The below copied is the SCAM mail from a perfect scammer who claims himself to be banker from India. This kind of mails claiming that there are so many funds and so much is awaited to be given to us is a perfect SCAM. Beware of such kind of scammers and scam mails which claim wrong claims.

One should know that this is a true scam mail and which does not relate to HDFC bank in any way or by any reason. So don't get mistaken that is a true mail from banker. The author of this post personally got this mail into his inbox.

Example of SCAM mail

BEWARE of FAKE and BOGUS email in name of Dr.George Kookaburra

The below given mail is a nice illustration of fake, fraud, SPAM, SCAM mail wrongly claiming that email sender had a business proposal involving millions of funds and being risk free. Myself being a normal blogger can never expect to receive such kind of large business proposal mails.

Thus be assured that the below mail is a fake and SCAM one. 

Beware of such kind of fake and BOGUS emails.


Dear Friend,


This is a perfect SCAM mail in name of CHINA NATIONAL HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CORP. This mail specifies that its an invitation letter  in fake name of a CHIN Company. One thing is to be remembered is that the email recipient is a normal clerk who never does any business deal and never even expects any such mail.

This lets us understand that this is a ure SCAM and SPAM mail and nothing in this mail is relevant and fact until unless its solicited from an authorized sender.

Hope such emails will not be relied upon and will not become prey of such mails.

No.39 Wuyingshandong Road,
Jinan 250031 China

Beware of SCAM Mail in name of Dr. Aisha Mohammed Email:

This is the best example of a SCAM email in fake name of a medical doctor working in NATO currently in SYRIA. This email specifies that email sender will be interested in buying the property for him in our country.

Though the email specifies that the email is from Dr.Aisha Mohammed which might be a fake name. This kind of emails are to be sent to the respective Police Commissioner / crime reportable office for further action.

Thus such kind of emails are not to be relied upon and never to be acted upon. Any of you who get such kind of email in your inbox, can post the same as a comment in our website so as others will be aware of such kind of fraud or fake emails.

Spam mail in name of Norman A. White,Managing Director

Today, I received a spam mail in name of Norman A. White,Managing Director, which claims to deliver host of services direct to lender. Though the mail seems to be real or fake, its a spam that intruded directly into my email, which is not ought to.

Beware of such spam mails that rush into inboxes and pose as if some one really asked them to send such information.

Below is the said spam mail:


Hoardburst deliver a unique, expert and confidential financial service for our reputable and new clients and assure excellence, financial supremacy and efficiency for our Clients.